Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mommy & Daddy

Savannah's favorite movie right now is "Sleeping Beauty", which she pronounces "Sleeping A-Duty". One of the most exciting parts, according to Savannah, is when Prince Philip comes riding in on his white horse and meets Briar Rose for the first time. So romantic! When he appears, she says, "Daddy!!"

Since then, every handsome man on tv or in pictures is also, "Daddy!" As cute as this is, I couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't calling any women, "Mommy."

Several weeks later, I finally heard her say, "Mommy!" while watching Sleeping-A-Duty. "Hooray!" I thought, "She must finally be associating the beautiful, slim-waisted, even-tempered, heroine with her mother." I was flattered until I looked at who she was referring to. It was none other than Maleficent -- the wicked and dreaded villianess of the movie!

What does this mean? Is mommy really that awful? Am I that grumpy? I think I need to examine my attitude :)


  1. As soon as Savannah saw these pictures of Philip and Maleficent she said 'Mommy and Daddy". Its strange how I always found Maleficent so atractive in an evil sort of way.

  2. So funny!! I think Maleficent is hot.
    Seiju started to say "I don't like mama." grrrrr..... Anyway, it's so sweet of Savannah to call the prince daddy! Ahhh, this might be the reason why Allen keeps wanting a girl. He wants to be a prince to a little baby girl.
