Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Vivian's Blessing Day

My mom and dad were here from Utah this weekend to be here for Vivian's blessing day. It was so fun to have them here! It was the first time they had seen Vivian, so it was really exciting. They had come up a couple weeks before she was born, hoping to be here for the birth, but she had other coming 3 days late!

Savannah was ecstatic to see Grandma and Grandpa again - and not just because they bring treats and lots (and lots and lots) of presents. I think I may need a yard sale now.

The blessing was very sweet. I was terrified that she was going to cry through the whole thing, because she was very fussy up until it began, then she calmed down and was quiet. What a miracle!


  1. Oh my oh my! Who made that blessing dress??? Your family is so cute. Why are there no picture of T-dawg in there?

  2. I LOVE that blessing dress! And she looks like a porcelain doll in that last picture - very precious. Good job zuster! - Oh - and how fun to see your parents again - even if it is only in pictures. :)
